I would tell you something about us, about the snow outside, about my love. I would tell you something, anything not to grow silence's grass between us. I would tell you something, what you knew or what I know but the silence's grass started to grow between us and the sounds of the latter word have lost...
Still hurts
Doare inca. Dar nu`i nimic; ma ridic la loc. Obstacolele sunt facute pentru a le ocoli si a le depasi. Si tu esti unul din ele, chiar daca va mai dura un pic sa te depasesc.
bucati din mine asezate pe hartie,
si plictiseala e tot ce vad in jurul meu...singurul cuvant ce`mi vine in minte e "plictiseala". Toata lumea e lipsita de chef la ora asta si in ziua aceasta de final de saptamana.
B O R I N G...
B O R I N G...
She remembers...

She remembers it all...
All the people who had said
They cared, but does they really did it?!
She remembers it all...
The sound of laughter and
How happy she'd been, but was she really?!
She remembers it all...
His arms around her and
He said "I love you!", but does he really mean?!
She remembers it all...
The pain she'd felt when he left,
How her heart ached, but was it really?!
She remembers it all...
The feeling of being so alone,
The feeling that no one cared, but does they really did it?!
But now they'll remember her,
Staring at the knife in her hand,
How easy to slit her wrists, but does she really did it?!
bucati din mine asezate pe hartie,
Let it snow!

Christmas is here! All is joy and happiness and love is spread from everywhere. Bells soon will ring, the kids will come from door to door to share the joy of Jesus' birth. The smell of holyday surrounds me. Trees soon will be decorated with little colored globes and little lights and Santa Clause soon'll be here. We're expecting him quiet.
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