

We'll start from the beginning...again. Everything was erased.



Inima femeii si adancimea oceanului nu sunt niciodata usor de masurat. Atata singuratate, atata neputinta...De ce oare dragostea ne provoaca atata durere?


Eu regret..tu?! Regret faptul ca am stat atata timp cu tine si ca abia acum ti`ai aratat adevarata fata. Acum mi`am dat seama cat de "prieten" mi`ai fost. Regret faptul ca am avut incredere in tine si ca am fost o proasta la acest gest. Regret tot ce este legat despre tine, chiar daca au fost momente frumoase, pentru ca au fost urmate de clipe teribile. Preferam sa fim 2 straini pe drumul vietii fara a interveni unul in calea celuilalt. Un lucru nu regret si anume faptul ca am pus punct. Nu meriti mai mult de atat si daca nu realizezi acest lucru, e grav. Destul de grav.



no name.

Do you really think that things will change just because you talked once with me in a long time? You're wrong and you don't even realise this. You are so blind that you think you're the best and everybody means nothing. Once again you're wrong. Every thought of you is pointless and stupid. Learn how to manifest yourself and how to behave.

See you next time...till then